MA, Licensed Professional Counselor-Adult Therapist
Email: [email protected]
Carla’s Session Rate: $135/50-55 minutes. Intake session: $145 See rates
Inner Child Therapy
I help courageous, committed, and open-minded individuals who are experiencing a pattern of either anxiety, conflict, and or unhappiness fuel by their relationships with others and or themselves, who will accept me as their guide to help them feel safe and empowered in their lives. As an inner child therapist, I will help you achieve this through a road map filled with tips, tools and mini lessons that will support you so that you can have the life you deserve.
We will always start therapy by talking about your issue at hand. After, we will dive into the inner child therapy transformation.
What you repeat gets ingrained. And we have a lot of limiting beliefs ingrained in us. To break from them we must start by first getting clear of what it is that we want our new life to look like. Get ready to challenge your beliefs. To feel a lot of feelings like anger and sadness while you go through this journey. I am here to guide you, but you will be the one doing the work.
The core of this therapy is learning how to have a conversation with your subconscious. All the while you learn about yourself and take a clear look at what your life looks like at this moment. Get ready to do charts, vision boards, do exercises, talk about your family dynamics, receive tips (how not to take things personal, how to make a decision based on your values, how to encourage yourself to do when you don’t have the motivation) among other things.
The results are life changing. There is a before and an after. All you must do is make a decision to do it.
Terapia del Niño Interior
Ayudo a individuos comprometidos que esten experimentando un patron de ansiedad y conflictos en sus relaciones con otros y/o consigo mismo a hacer un cambio en su vida recuperando su poder propio y su confianza interior. Como terapista del niño interior te voy a guiar a obtener todo esto llevandote desde un punto macro (plan generalizado de vida) a un punto micro (subconsiente), por medio de un mapa donde te doy consejos, herramientas y mini lesiones, para asi vivir la vida empoderada que quieres.
Lo primero que atenderemos cuando empieces terapia va a ser el dilema que tienes en el momento de empezar terapia. Y despues empezaremos con la transformacion mas profunda.
Lo que repites te queda grabado. Y asi tenemos muchas creencias limitantes grabadas en nuestro subcosciente. Para poder romper estas creencias limitantes tenemos que empezar por saber que SI queremos en nuestra vida. Preparate para desafiar tus creencias. Para dejar brotar muchos sentimientos encontrados de tristeza e ira. Estoy aqui para guiarte, pero al final el que va a hacer el trabajo seras tu.
En el centro de esta terapia del niño interior esta aprender como tener una conversacion con tu subcosciente. Todo esto mientras aprendes sobre ti y miras de forma real y sincera como esta tu vida en este momento. Preparate para hacer y aprender. Entre varias cosas que haraz estan: graficas, tableros de vision, ejercisions diversos, hablar de la dinamica de tu familia, recibir tips diversos ( como no tomar las cosas personales, como tomar una decision de acuerdo a tus valores, como motivarte cuando no hay motivacion) y muchas cosas mas.
Los resultados te cambiaran tu vida. Es un antes y un despues. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es tomar la decision.
Professional Background
- Bilingual in English and Spanish
- Master’s of Arts in Professional Counseling Amberton University 2014
- Master’s of Arts in School Counseling Amberton University 2011
- Bachelor’s of Science in Spanish, Minor in Education Salisbury University 2006
- Elementary School Counselor 2011-22
- Elementary, Middle and High School Teacher 2006-11
Carla specializes in treating adults. She is experienced in various treatment modalities and settings. She uses several treatment approaches including:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
- Existential Therapy
- Holistic Therapy
- Mindfulness Practices
- Psychoanalytic Therapy
- Supportive Therapy
More about Carla
Her area of specialty is combining traditional talk therapy with mindfulness practices, including meditation and breath-work. She highlights the importance of the mind-body connection, helping clients feel more attuned to sensations and grounding in the body.
It is Carla’s belief that to the degree that we value and accept ourselves, it is to the degree that we will value and accept others. This is foundational to all of our relationships.
Divorce and Separation
Domestic Violence
Existential crisis and challenges
Family issues
Life Transitions
Loss, grief, and bereavement
Mind-Body Alignment
Post-partum Depression
Relationship issues
Stress management